Thursday, June 02, 2005

alcuno, -a (It.). Some; certain.
alborada (Sp.). Spanish morning song, orig. performed on a primative oboe with drum accompaniment as a morning serenade. See also albe, aubade.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

air. Tune, melody; song. Air varié (Fr.), tema con variazioni.
Aida trumpet. A long trumpet specially constructed for use in Verdi's opera Aida. The orginal, manufactured in France, was called trompette thébaine, trumpet of Thebes. It produced only 4 notes: A-flat, B-flat, B-natural, and C.

Aïda trumpet in B natural; 1-valve (A. Sax, Paris, c 1883)
affettuoso (It., with affect). Passionatly, emotionally, with great feeling, very expressively.
adaptation. Arrangement
act (It., atto). A primary division of an opera or scenic cantata. In opera each act may be subdivided into several scenes and tableaux.
accent. A stress, such asan increse in dynamic level.
accelerato (It., Accelerated). Livelier, faster.
Abteilung (Ger.). Division or portion of a composition.
absolute pitch. Perfect pitch.

Absolute pitch

An Overview of Absolute Pitch
Abschnitt (Ger.) Section.
Abecedarianism (A-B-C-D-arianism)
abdampfen (Ger., evaporate). Deaden the sound, e.g., place hand on timpani; release piano damper pedal.
Ab (Ger., off). In organ music, remove stop or coupler.
A tempo (It., in time). Return to the Preccding rate of speed.
A string. The 2nd string (2nd highest) of a violin; the 1st of a viola or cello; the 3rd of a double bass; the 5th of a guitar.
a poco a poco (It, little by little). Gradually. Correct adverbial form for poco a poco, but seldom used.
A minor. The key of resignation.
a mezzo voce (It., half voice). With half the power of the voice (or instruments).
A major. A key often associated with springtime.
a (It. prepostition); á (Fr. Preposition). By, at, in, with, for.